Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part A (2019)
Portrayal of balochistan’s terrorism in national and regional press: A critical discourse analysis of English and Urdu newspapers
Portrayal of balochistan’s terrorism in national and regional press: A critical discourse analysis of English and Urdu newspapers
Kalwar Munwar Ali and Dr. Sajjad Ahmed Paracha
This research evaluates the report of major bomb blasts in Balochistan. It analyzes how national and regional print media of Pakistan is handling and reporting certain terrorist events. One English and Urdu newspapers from national and one each from regional newspapers have been selected (English Dawn and Urdu Jang are national and English The Baluchistan Times and Urdu The Zammana are regional newspapers). Word of newspaper is the unit of analysis. To conduct this pilot research, the period from January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015, has been chosen. The sample of national Urdu Jang is of six months because this newspaper covers very less news items regarding Balochistan. This is a comparative study. To reveal the ideology behind the selection of words by fours newspapers, Critical Discourse Analysis method is used. Corpora of four newspapers were collected. Corpora of four newspapers were analyzed by Word Smith Tools 6.0. News discourse regarding terrorism in Balochistan was constructed differently by four newspapers as a result of their clashing ideologies. First, although the three corpora shared a lot of commonalities in word frequency, differences still exist in several high ranking lemmas. On one hand, words such as “Balochi” and “terrorism” ranked similarly in the three corpora’s lexical frequency lists; on the other hand, the frequencies of the lemma “BLA/BRA” were much higher in Dawn corpus than in the regional English The Baluchistan Times and Urdu daily The Zammana. Corpus indicated that the image of the BRA and BLA received more attention in the reports by Dawn than in those by three newspapers.
How to cite this article:
Kalwar Munwar Ali, Dr. Sajjad Ahmed Paracha. Portrayal of balochistan’s terrorism in national and regional press: A critical discourse analysis of English and Urdu newspapers. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):46-51.