Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part E (2019)
Comparative effect of activity induced and protocol based training on forward head posture in asymptomatic individual
Comparative effect of activity induced and protocol based training on forward head posture in asymptomatic individual
Yamuni Bhandari, Sharda Sharma and Shiv Verma
AbstractBackground and Objectives: Forward head posture is anterior disposition of head relative to line of gravity in sagittal plane which results from habitual postures acquired over time. It may contribute to neck and shoulder pain, muscle imbalance, fatigue and limited motion of cervical spine. The weakened postural muscles should be strengthened and shortened muscles should be lengthened in order to improve postural alignment and alleviate FHP. Therefore this study aims to evaluate the comparative effect of protocol based training and activity induced functional exercises over craniohorizontal, craniovertebral angle, saggital shoulder posture to correct forward head posture.
Methods: 28 subjects were recruited in the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects were randomly allocated in two groups. Group A received protocol based training and Group B received activity induced functional exercises. Non parametric test was used to judge the statistical difference. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. All data was analysed using IBM SPSS software.
Result: Both the groups were significant but there was no statistical significant difference between the groups for 3 variables, the significant difference was seen within the groups.
Conclusion: Protocol based training and activity induced functional exercises were found equally effective in correcting Forward head posture and protracted shoulder.
How to cite this article:
Yamuni Bhandari, Sharda Sharma, Shiv Verma. Comparative effect of activity induced and protocol based training on forward head posture in asymptomatic individual. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):314-318.