Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part A (2019)
Role of targeted public distribution system in India: A study
Role of targeted public distribution system in India: A study
Elayaraja K and Dr. TR Manjunath
Targeted Public Distribution System is came into existence in India is one of the important social welfare and poverty alleviation programmes for the targeted poor people in India. This Scheme introduced in 1997. In recent years this scheme has been working effectively in all rural and urban areas. With this background the present paper tries to explain briefly about this scheme, issues, problems and various government programmes to protect the targeted poor people. And also gives some suggestions for better working for Social welfare in the future.
How to cite this article:
Elayaraja K, Dr. TR Manjunath. Role of targeted public distribution system in India: A study. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(3):52-55.