Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part G (2019)
Effectiveness of Shavasana on anxiety, aggression and attention in patients with stroke
Effectiveness of Shavasana on anxiety, aggression and attention in patients with stroke
Dr. Shubhangi Gattani and Dr. RM Singaravelan
AbstractBackground: Stroke remains a major healthcare problem. It has the greatest disabling impact of any chronic disease and is one of the most common diseases to cause cognitive disorders in adults. Psychological changes including emotional, behavioral and cognitive changes can be common after stroke. Recently more attention has been given to these concerns. Yoga contends that it offers a gentle alternative exercise program that can be easily adapted for people who have had a stroke. Yoga has been known for its physical and mental benefits. It is a combination of asana, pranayama and meditation. Yogic asanas are gaining importance now a day by the way they train and discipline the mind.
Objective: To find out the effect of shavasana along with conventional physiotherapy on anxiety, aggression and attention in stroke patients.
Methodology: Thirty patients between the age of 50 to 60 years with the diagnosis of stroke were selected. Patients were divided into Group (A), which received conventional Physiotherapy and Group (B), receiving shavasana along with conventional Physiotherapy for 4 weeks of duration under the guidance of therapist. Pre and post intervention assessments were done by using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Aggression Questionnaire, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS).
Result: Result of this study showed that there is significant difference in pre and post values of all the three scales with Conventional Physiotherapy and Shavasana along with Conventional Physiotherapy. But when comparing Group and Group B, group B is improved more on (HAM-A), Aggression Questionnaire, (MAAS) score than group A.
Conclusion: The result shows that shavasana posture or shavasana relaxation positioned combined with conventional physiotherapy than the traditional method of relaxation is more effective in treating symptoms of anxiety, aggression and attention in stroke patients.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shubhangi Gattani, Dr. RM Singaravelan. Effectiveness of Shavasana on anxiety, aggression and attention in patients with stroke. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):412-418.