Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part A (2019)
Digital education: Scope and challenges
Digital education: Scope and challenges
Dr. Umesh Kumari
“Technology can become the 'wings' that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before; if we will allow it.” - Jenny Arledge In India, from last few years there has been a considerable rise in Digital and Live Virtual Classrooms at different levels of learning. With evolution of technologies such as cloud, virtual data centres and virtualization there is huge potential for technology to be integrated with the Education Industry. The purpose of this research paper is to give overview of digital education, benefits of digital education in India, the future scope and possible challenges of an Indian society for moving towards digital education.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Umesh Kumari. Digital education: Scope and challenges. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):01-03.