Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part B (2019)
A study of relationship between altruism and social skills of adolescents
A study of relationship between altruism and social skills of adolescents
Dr. Naresh Kumar
The main objective of the present study was to study the relationship between altruism and social skills of the adolescents. To achieve this objective, Altruism Scale (2015) by Rai and Singh and Social Skills Scale (2012) by Sood, Anand and Kumar were used to collect the data. The sample consisted of 200 students of XII class, selected randomly from private schools affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi from Moga District of Punjab, India. The sample was equally categorized between Boys-Girls and Rural-Urban students. Statistical techniques viz. - Mean, Standard Deviation, Standard Error of Means, t-test and Coefficient of Correlation (r) were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that there exists significant relationship between altruism and social skills of adolescents. It means that social skills affect the altruism of the adolescents. If the adolescents have good social skills their level of altruism will be high and vice-versa.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Naresh Kumar. A study of relationship between altruism and social skills of adolescents. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):36-39.