Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part B (2019)
Digitalization- A way towards cashless economy
Digitalization- A way towards cashless economy
Shaweta Passi and Dr. Viplove Kundra
The current policy decision by the government of India to undertake the faster economic development is the endorsement of currency less economy or cashless or digital economy. The current Demonetization strategy inventiveness by the government of India helps the lucidity in the governance organization by hopeful cashless payments or digital payments. Digital India is the policy of the government to amalgamate all actions in a digital approach. The present paper intends to scrutinize the impact of digitalizing Indian economy and understand challenges and opportunities of digitalization. Monetary Literacy is a obligation to bring more and more public to digital podium. Digital payment or payment through banks, inplace of paying cash should be supported for a cashless culture.
How to cite this article:
Shaweta Passi, Dr. Viplove Kundra. Digitalization- A way towards cashless economy. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):53-56.