Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part B (2019)
How digitalization can change the Indian education system?
How digitalization can change the Indian education system?
Maninder Kumar
Today, India is one of the world's top destinations for education. With some of the best colleges and universities, it is renowned for its excellence and high standards. What's even more interesting is how technology has advanced rapidly to transform the way students in India consume educational content. Additionally, the penetration of internet-based smart phones is taking quality learning to students across geographies in India. Today, little children are watching their favorite cartoons and learning pictorial rhymes on the same device. Education is being imparted to them through flexible and non-intrusive formats. As a consequence, students across all age groups are discovering the joys of learning and having fun while at it. There has been a noticeable shift in the perception of parents and teachers view digital learning too. Today, institutions are making efforts to shift the focus back on students to reinvent the way they learn right throughout their life. India might not have readily adopted education technology but it's heartening to see how a traditional sector like education is using technology as an enabler so far. Today, some cutting-edge technologies are being used to further enhance this sector, while grabbing the attention of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, corporate and governments.
How to cite this article:
Maninder Kumar. How digitalization can change the Indian education system?. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):57-59.