Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part G (2019)
Digitization of education: Making life easier or complicated
Digitization of education: Making life easier or complicated
Parineeta Singal
In India; the use of IT based learning for promoting instruction and advancement has always been a part of policy and plan documents on education. The decision makers at both central and state are favoring inclusion of new digital and internet based learning tools in education including adoption of cloud based virtual classrooms/ universities and e- Learning initiatives. The Government of India has instigated several national as well as state specific schemes that run parallel to large number of privately led digital initiatives at school and higher education levels. Accessibility of education and its quality up gradation are interdependent parameters of higher education. India being a country of the sub-continental size with a population above 1 billion, the quantitative expansion of education (i.e. accessibility dimension) is of paramount importance to mitigate disparities across regions, gender and social strata in the field of education. Along with the essential and unavoidable assessable expansion of higher education, it is equally imperative to expand the quality of higher education. The recent upsurge of digitization in education industry has totally changed the teaching-learning scenario in the whole world including India to a great extent. The boost of technology in the higher education arena has made imparting education convenient and stress-free for both students and educators. The present paper seeks to evaluate the opportunities and accessibility of digital education in India and the potential bottlenecks involved with measures to overcome them.
How to cite this article:
Parineeta Singal. Digitization of education: Making life easier or complicated. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):203-205.