Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part A (2019)
Conceptual definition and standardization of the resilience scale
Conceptual definition and standardization of the resilience scale
Dr. Mutaz Duheilan Al-Dalaeen
The present investigation was undertaken to examine and assess the resilience scale among old age population. The sample consisted of the Resilience scale is based on Four hundred participants (200 males, 200 females) were taken in this study where 100 participants suffering from hypertension (50 male and 50 female), 100 participants suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (50 male and 50 female), 100 participants suffering from both hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis (50 male and 50 female) and 100 participants were taken as a control group. Participants' ages ranged from 45 to 65 year old. The exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory analysis were performed to test the factorial structure of the RS12 and the internal consistency of the scale was studied. All 25 items were taken from the original scale. 13 items were discarded and only 12 items were selected on the basis of factor loading i.e., above .40. A unifactorial structure was obtained consisting of 12 items. The obtained Cronbach’s alpha revealed excellent internal consistency, with a value of .861. Based on the psychometric properties obtained, it is inferred that RS12, the short version is a reliable measure to assess the resilience of the old age population.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mutaz Duheilan Al-Dalaeen. Conceptual definition and standardization of the resilience scale. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(6):39-42.