Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part B (2019)
Effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on perceived stress among perimenopausal women at Sri Narayani hospital and research Centre, Vellore
Effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on perceived stress among perimenopausal women at Sri Narayani hospital and research Centre, Vellore
Gandhimathi S and Dr. P Muthumari
AbstractThe aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on perceived stress among Perimenopausal women. A pre experimental one group pre-test and Post-Test design with non probability purposive sampling technique was chosen for this study. The sample size consist of 40 perimenopausal women, who are coming for Sri Narayani Hospital and Research Centre, Vellore. The data was collected by means of demographic variables and ‘Cohen’ scale. These tools were used to assess the level of perceived stress for perimenopausal women. The data was analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.
The major findings of the study revealed that pre-test mean value of perceived stress was 134.2. After the intervention given the Post-Test mean value of perceived stress was 98.125. The paired‘t’ value of the perceived stress is 344.98. Hence there was significant effectiveness of intervention regarding perceived stress. There is association between age, religion and number of children with the levels of Post-Test of perceived stress and selected demographic variables.
The result shows that the mindfulness based meditation was effective in decreasing stress and symptoms among perimenopausal women.
How to cite this article:
Gandhimathi S, Dr. P Muthumari. Effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on perceived stress among perimenopausal women at Sri Narayani hospital and research Centre, Vellore. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(6):85-87.