AbstractIntroduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of chronic liver disease in both industrialized and developing countries. Sofosbuvir and ribavirin is the first all-oral therapy regimen that has been approved in the US by the FDA for use in Genotype 2 and 3 patients and is replacing the conventional therapies.
Aims and Objective: The aim of this study is to assess tolerability and side effects of sofosbuvir and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C patients with Genotype 3.
Materials and Methods: The study was an interventional study involving chronic hepatitis C patients of Genotype 3. Both Cirrhotic and Non cirrhotic patients were included in this study to receive Sofosbuvir 400mg and Ribavirin weight based (1000mg/day for <75kgs and 1200mg/day for > 75kgs weight) for 24 weeks duration.
Inclusion Criteria: Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 with age more than 18yrs involving both cirrhotic and non cirrhotic patients, Treatment Naive and experienced patients and Non pregnant and non lactating females.
Results and observation: In our study total number of patients was (n=79). We observed that the mean age (in years) of patients was (40.2 ±11.62) with male patients being 32(40.5%) and the female patients 47(59.5%). Adverse effects attributed to the treatment during the study period were Headache (27%),f atigue (28%), pruritis (12.7%), asthenia (14%), nausea (15%), insomnia (14%), irritability (13%) and were more in Cirrhotic patients as compared to those in non cirrhotic. Drop in hemoglobin attributed to ribavirin was more in cirrhotic patients than in non cirrhotic patients.
Conclusion: The results of our study revealed that side effects were more in cirrhotic patients than non cirrhotic patients although the tolerability was better than the conventional therapy.