Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part B (2019)
An empirical study on impact of online advertising on the buying behaviour in Bengaluru
An empirical study on impact of online advertising on the buying behaviour in Bengaluru
Dr. Sumathi S
The technological innovations have opened up more opportunities to the advertisers to have wider reach to the online audience through the technology. Web designers and technology developers are looking at effective ways to attract customers as the advertising is conquering online landscape. The flexibility and greater control that the marketers can enjoy has made the online platforms very popular. The increased share of online buying has led the marketers to strategize the online advertising in the development of the advertising media mix. The challenge in front of the marketers is to shift the customers from click- through rates to tangible attitudinal responses. The present study is an empirical study measuring the effectiveness of online advertising in the purchasing behavior of the consumers.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sumathi S. An empirical study on impact of online advertising on the buying behaviour in Bengaluru. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(6):121-126.