AbstractWaterborne diseases are caused either by contaminated water with micro-organisms or by fresh water with pathogenic microorganisms.
Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding selected waterborne diseases.
2. To associate the knowledge with selected demographic variables.
Methodology: Quantitative research approach with descriptive design was adopted in the study. In this study, 100 samples were selected using non-probability convenient sampling method. People who were above 21 years of age and below 60 years of age were selected. A structured questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge regarding selected waterborne diseases among people. Data collection was carried out in selected urban areas of Pune city.
Results: Knowledge regarding waterborne disease:-13% of people had poor knowledge, 75% of people had average knowledge and 12% of people had good knowledge. Knowledge regarding diarrhoea:-21% of participants w had poor knowledge, 63% had average knowledge and only 16 % had good knowledge. Knowledge regarding typhoid:-19% of participants had poor knowledge, 59% had average knowledge and 22% had good knowledge. The participants knowledge regarding Hepatitis A:-38% poor, 54% average, 8% good. As P value was less than 0.05, there was association of knowledge with education and occupation.
Conclusion: Majority of participants had average knowledge regarding selected waterborne diseases. So community health nurse and nursing staff should provide health education regarding prevention of waterborne diseases and create awareness.