Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part C (2019)
Morphometric measurements of odontoid process of Jammu region
Morphometric measurements of odontoid process of Jammu region
Dr. Simriti and Dr Bias Dev
The odontoid which is the upward projection of the axis vertebra is structurally very important stabilizing structure, whose fracture can result into serious disability or death. The fractures of odontoid are not uncommon, but being very close to vital structures are difficult to fix. The knowledge of morphometry of odontoid in Jammu region will help the surgeons of this area to plan the treatment accordingly.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Simriti, Dr Bias Dev. Morphometric measurements of odontoid process of Jammu region. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(6):377-378.