Vol. 5, Issue 7, Part A (2019)
Assessment of the adjustment pattern among the 1st year B.Sc., nursing students at college of nursing, Tirupathi, AP.
Assessment of the adjustment pattern among the 1st year B.Sc., nursing students at college of nursing, Tirupathi, AP.
Dr. S Hemalatha, A Rajyalakshmi and Dr. M Bhagya Lakshmi
The process of adjustment starts right from the birth of the child and continuous till the death. Man is a social animal not only adapts to physical demands but he also adjusts social pressures. Adolescent faces many adjustment problems in physically, psychologically and socially. A descriptive design was adopted to assess the adjustment pattern among the B.Sc nursing students and 30 samples were selected by random sampling technique. The sample consists 15 boys and 15 girls and data was collected by using adjustment inventory questions consisting in the area of home, health, submissive ness – self assertion, emotionality, hostility-friendliness and masculinity-feminity. The results of the study revealed that, girls had more adjustment problems then the boys. Analysis revealed that there was a significant difference between the boys and girls in the adjustment level in emotionality. Conducting counselling session regularly help to identify adjustment problems and develop problem solving skills among the B.Sc (n) students.
How to cite this article:
Dr. S Hemalatha, A Rajyalakshmi, Dr. M Bhagya Lakshmi. Assessment of the adjustment pattern among the 1st year B.Sc., nursing students at college of nursing, Tirupathi, AP.. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7):37-41.