Vol. 5, Issue 7, Part B (2019)
Comparison of autonomic function tests among pregnant and non-pregnant females for sympathetic activity
Comparison of autonomic function tests among pregnant and non-pregnant females for sympathetic activity
Dr. Bhakti R. Kharate and Dr. Laxmichhaya A Gunjal
AbstractIntroduction: Autonomic nervous system is thought to be essential for the circulatory adaptation seen in pregnancy, alteration of it has been implicated to play an important etiologic role in pregnancy induced hypertension.
Amis and objectives: To study physiological responses to non-invasive cardiovascular autonomic sympathetic test in normal pregnancy and follow these females till term to see for changes if any and development of PIH.
Materials and method: Standard autonomic function tests for sympathetic activity such as blood pressure changes during isometric hand grip exercise, orthostatic test and cold pressor test were performed in 50 pregnant and 50 non pregnant subjects. Data was analysed using unpaired t-test. P-value< 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: In the present study there was a significant difference in response to handgrip test and cold pressor test among the two groups. The increase in diastolic pressure was significant in pregnant females who developed PIH.
Conclusion: Autonomic function is found to be altered in pregnancy from that of non-pregnant state.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Bhakti R. Kharate, Dr. Laxmichhaya A Gunjal. Comparison of autonomic function tests among pregnant and non-pregnant females for sympathetic activity. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7):94-96.