Vol. 5, Issue 7, Part C (2019)
Nutritional and anthropometric profile of selected kabaddi players
Nutritional and anthropometric profile of selected kabaddi players
Dr. Hoshiyar Singh
Provision of sufficient nutrients and energy to meet metabolic needs for optimal functioning of the body constitutes what one refers to as a ‘nutritionally adequate’ diet. In the development and maintenance of top physical performance, diet plays a vital role, a fact recognized long before nutrition became a science of its own. Despite intense interest and effort in research related to optimal performance, the dietary regime to support such achievements requires a level of nutrition knowledge and practice that may not be present. Factors effecting requirements for and availability of nutrients include physical and nutritional status, age and genetic make-up of individuals. These are further compounded by man’s ability to adapt according to his needs, thus making effective analysis of the relationship of diet to optimal performance much more difficult than it has been envisaged. Kabaddi is a contact sport that alternates aerobic and anaerobic activity, thus requiring muscular strength and power capability. The athlete must possess flexibility, strength, power, agility and aerobic fitness to practice it. In the light of the above, the objective of the present study was to assess the nutritional and anthropometric profile of selected kabaddi athletes in the city of Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Hoshiyar Singh. Nutritional and anthropometric profile of selected kabaddi players. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7):169-171.