Vol. 5, Special Issue 7, Part B (2019)
Assessment of the efficiency of gas and dust cleaning systems in asphalt-concrete plants
Assessment of the efficiency of gas and dust cleaning systems in asphalt-concrete plants
Boboev Sobirjon Muradullaevich, Keldiyarova Gulmira Farkhadovna, and Burkhanov Khurshid Rashidovich
This article provides calculations of pollutant`s emission into the atmosphere, calculations of inorganic dust and the efficiency of the gas cleaning plant. And also, hydrodynamic modes of bubble absorbers are given for the Samarkand asphalt concrete plant.
How to cite this article:
Boboev Sobirjon Muradullaevich, Keldiyarova Gulmira Farkhadovna,, Burkhanov Khurshid Rashidovich. Assessment of the efficiency of gas and dust cleaning systems in asphalt-concrete plants. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7S):65-67.