Understanding future of health system with the need of implementation of digital technology
Understanding future of health system with the need of implementation of digital technology
Dr. Versha Prasad
As stated by the Institute of Medicine: “It is widely believed that health IT, when designed, implemented, and used appropriately, can be a positive enabler to transform the way care is delivered. Designed and applied inappropriately, health IT can add an additional layer of complexity to the already complex delivery of health care, which can lead to unintended adverse consequences, for example dosing errors, failure to detect fatal illnesses, and delayed treatment due to poor human–computer interactions or loss of data”. In fact, health information technologies (HIT) have the potential to increase the performance of delivered services, increase health care quality, save costs and involve patients as effective partners of their own health care. Digital health is having a profound effect on health systems, changing the balance of power between provider and patient, enabling new models of care, and shifting the focus of health systems toward client-centered health care within low- and middle-income countries. Though many of these changes are just being felt due to resistance by organizations and individuals reluctant to change the status quo, the explosive growth of digital technology globally means that these changes are inevitable. We can expect to see increasing use of telemedicine for remote diagnostics and treatment, protocol-driven health care to improve quality of care, and better access to goods and services through changes in the organization of transportation and delivery services. Data will become central to health systems, whether big data and artificial intelligence tools for surveillance, planning, and management or “personalized data” in the form of universal electronic record systems and customized treatment protocols.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Versha Prasad. Understanding future of health system with the need of implementation of digital technology. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7S):119-124.