Vol. 5, Issue 8, Part D (2019)
Prevalence and risk factors of constipation among hospitalized patients
Prevalence and risk factors of constipation among hospitalized patients
Prinkle Chauhan and Jasvinder Kaur Saini
Constipation is a condition characterized by inability to pass stools that become hard and more difficult to pass. Bowel habits are unique to all individuals. Constipation affects all individuals at any age or at least once in their lifetime. It can lead to hard, lumpy, or small stools passage as well. Severity of the condition may vary from person to person. The study was aimed to find out the prevalence and risk factors of constipation among hospitalized patients. A Quantitative research approach with descriptive study design was used to assess the prevalence and risk factors of constipation among Hospitalized patients. The study was conducted in surgical unit of selected Hospital. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the three hundred Subjects from the population. ROME III Criteria was used to measure the prevalence of constipation and Constipation Risk assessment scale was used to measure the risk factors of constipation. The result of the study shows that overall prevalence of constipation among hospitalized patients were found to be 44% and 56% were having no constipation. Majority of the patients 20.3% were at higher risk of getting constipation. 17.7% of the patients at medium risk while 6% of the patients at low risk of getting constipation. Majority of the patients were at higher risk of getting constipation. Heath education and awareness programmes can help to decrease the prevalence of constipation.
How to cite this article:
Prinkle Chauhan, Jasvinder Kaur Saini. Prevalence and risk factors of constipation among hospitalized patients. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(8):208-212.