Abstract1. To assess the knowledge on current trends of vaccination among nursing students of Himalayan Institute of Nursing, Ambala (Haryana) before implementation of Self Instructional Module (SIM).
2. To assess the knowledge on current trends of vaccination among nursing students of Himalayan Institute of Nursing, Ambala (Haryana) after implementation of Self Instructional Module (SIM).
3. To compare the knowledge on current trends of vaccination among nursing students of Himalayan Institute of nursing, Ambala (Haryana) before and after implementation of Self Instructional Module (SIM).
4. To find out the association on current trends of vaccination among nursing students of Himalayan Institute of Nursing, Ambala (Haryana) after implementation of Self Instructional Module with their selected variables.
Methodology: A quantitative study by using pre-experimental pre-test and post-test design, A sample size of 60 nursing students were selected by using random sampling technique, semi structured questionnaire was used process the level of knowledge of nursing students on current trends of vaccination.
Result: The finding of the study reveals that mean of pre-test level of knowledge score is 10.7 and mean of post-test level of knowledge score is 14.4.