Vol. 5, Issue 8, Part F (2019)
Blended learning: An Innovative way to enhance academic engagement
Blended learning: An Innovative way to enhance academic engagement
Dr. Inderpreet Kaur
The teaching landscape is rapidly changing, the technological rise of the 21st century and widespread integration of those technologies into our society, combined with access to the internet has integrally changed teaching in contemporary education. The rapidly changing landscapes should be a marker to show that teaching methods need to evolve to keep up with the times and incorporate integrated technologies into the learning modal, these technologies aren’t going to go away, they’ll continue to be integrated into our society and it’s time to embrace them for the advantages they bring In current paper author has focused on the varied studies and has summarised the following findings of: 1. Concept of Blended Learning 2. Features of Blended Learning 3. Role of Teachers and Students in Blended Learning Classroom 4. Significance of Blended Learning 5. Challenges that come in the way of the institutions for implementing it in regular classroom learning settings.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Inderpreet Kaur. Blended learning: An Innovative way to enhance academic engagement. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(8):401-403.