Vol. 5, Issue 9, Part A (2019)
A study on learning style and teaching competency of elementary school teachers
A study on learning style and teaching competency of elementary school teachers
M Thangavasuki and Dr. T Ranjith Kumar
The role of 21st century teacher has become very challenging, complex and multi- faceted on account of many factors which are not limited to new updates and changes in content areas of all disciplines-humanities, sciences and social sciences. The present teacher is expected to be updated and conscious of various explosion-explosion of knowledge explosion of population, explosion of frustration, explosion of expectations and explosion of technology, etc. The quality of education depends upon various improvements. Education develops the individual like a flower, which distributes its fragrance all over the environment. In this sense education is that constructive process which drags a person out from darkness, poverty and misery and leads him on to the paths of enlightenment, prosperity and happiness by developing his individuality in all its aspects. Elementary school encompasses a wide range of grade levels. Elementary school teachers usually have one class and they teach their students several different subjects. Computers play a major role in the current education status. The role of computers along with various other factors have been analyzed. The possession of computers play a significant role in learning style and teaching competency of elementary school teachers.
How to cite this article:
M Thangavasuki, Dr. T Ranjith Kumar. A study on learning style and teaching competency of elementary school teachers. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(9):45-47.