Vol. 5, Issue 9, Part C (2019)
Perceived familial gender discrimination in relation to personality pattern of adolescent girls
Perceived familial gender discrimination in relation to personality pattern of adolescent girls
Dr. Susan Sam
AbstractAdolescent girls in Rajasthan are subjected to various types of discriminatory practices even though various steps are taken to change the status of women and girls. Effects of these discriminatory practices along with the storm and stress of the age group depends upon how they perceive these practices which they face in the family and also in the community.
Continuous necessity for adjusting to situations in which she is inexperienced coupled with the demand that adult pattern of behavior must be learnt before she is often faced with contradictory values due to culturally created dependence and parental expectations of independently taken decisions regarding career and education.
However, we decided to uncover what role personality type may play through this study. After all, coping with the Gender Discrimination which she perceives in the Family has definitely different implication on her Personality Pattern as compared to girls who are treated equally in the family. Therefore this study aims to study the relationship between perceived familial gender discrimination in relation to Personality Pattern of the Adolescentsin in the urban and rural settings.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Susan Sam. Perceived familial gender discrimination in relation to personality pattern of adolescent girls. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(9):156-164.