Vol. 5, Issue 9, Part C (2019)
Working mothers and parenting: health status in India
Working mothers and parenting: health status in India
K Manimekalai, Dr. I Sivakumar and S Geetha
The research has investigated working mothers’ roles within the context of work-family and has reported on such inter-role conflict between women’s health issues and parenting through secondary data. Studies on the impact of employed mothers on their children have yielded conflicting results, some positive and some negative. It observed that the children of working mothers are socially more participative than children of non-working mothers. The study found children of working mothers to be less stable, get easily upset and affected by feelings. The study also says employed mothers as careless and slightly emotionally unstable in the early years but independent during later years as compared to the children of unemployed mothers. In all these worries the woman has no time left to look after her health. A large number of working mothers complain of frequent headaches, back pain, circulatory disorders, fatigue, emotional and mental disorders.
How to cite this article:
K Manimekalai, Dr. I Sivakumar, S Geetha. Working mothers and parenting: health status in India. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(9):168-173.