Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part C (2020)
Violation of “three unities” in Shakespearean plays
Violation of “three unities” in Shakespearean plays
Aaditya Raman Uniyal
The ancient Greek dramatists especially Aristotle in his well-known work ‘Poetics’ designed certain rules and regulations for the stage performance of any play for the sake of verisimilitude which generally now known as “The Three Unities”. These three unities are Unity of action, time and place. But in English drama many times these unities have been violated by many dramatists among of them Shakespeare was the leading figure. This paper deals with the violations of “three Unities” concept by William Shakespeare in his plays. The first phase of this paper introduces three unities convention and second phase deals with Shakespeare and his exploitation of these unities.
How to cite this article:
Aaditya Raman Uniyal. Violation of “three unities” in Shakespearean plays. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(1):133-135.