Vol. 6, Issue 10, Part I (2020)
India looks to come out of Covid-19 pandemic
India looks to come out of Covid-19 pandemic
Dr. Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee
India has reported second highest number of total Covid-19 cases after USA on 05 October 2020. Central and state governments of India have been undertaking different containment and relief measures to deal with the eight months old Covid-19 pandemic in the country. The disease is mostly concentrated in more than a dozen of states. Fourteen districts from 14 worse affected states were monitored for 21 days from 14 September, 2020. A composite and previously used tool, called “Covid-19 Index”, was used for monitoring. Districts were categorized as ‘good’, ‘fair’ and ‘bad’ on the basis of Covid-19 Index scored by the districts. The criterion for ‘good’ category of Covid-19 Index was made double than other two similar studies done by the present author. This was done to make monitoring more stringent. Covid-19 Index was measured on every third day between 7:00 and 7:30 PM. On 21st day, it was observed that the districts, in overall manner, have made spectacular improvement. In the beginning, 5 districts were in ‘good’ and 2 districts were in ‘fair’ categories. But on day 21, the numbers improved to 8 and 4 in those respective categories. The main concern was with two districts (Nashik and Kozhokode), as both the districts remained in ‘bad’ category all along. There two districts required special attention. Continuous monitoring of districts, as done in the study, was found to be important to understand the situation in the districts. The overall picture found in the study indicated that India may come out of pandemic in coming weeks.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee. India looks to come out of Covid-19 pandemic. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(10):546-549.