Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part D (2020)
Hydro-politics between India and Bangladesh: A study of Farakka barrage dispute
Hydro-politics between India and Bangladesh: A study of Farakka barrage dispute
Rameez Mohd Bhat
Given the importance of water countries having shared water resources and have often restored to different forms of arrangements, compromises, and treaties etc. to soothe the process of water sharing. India too has entered into a number of treaties with its neighbours-Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Tibet and Nepal. India is in conflict with most of its neighbours over transboundary water sharing issues due to its location, size and boundaries adjacent to other South Asian nations, and in its capacity both as the upper and lower riparian. As an upper riparian country, India has problems with Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is also remarkable to note that India, as the lower riparian, has problems with the upper riparian Nepal as well. Water sharing issues play a decisive role in determining the behaviour of the countries concerned. While they decisively influence their foreign policy formulation towards their neighbours, they also affect their respective national political scenarios. The study focuses entirely on the political aspect of water relations between India and Bangladesh. In essence, it would be discussing the water politics in India and Bangladesh in the context of international relations. The chapter will examine areas of conflict and cooperation in India's riparian relations with its neighbour Bangladesh. The chapter further seeks a detailed investigation into the Ganges water sharing agreement between India and Bangladesh. It also attempts to briefly explain the causes, issues of disagreement and obstacles to cooperation over transboundary river water between India and Bangladesh, taking into account the historical background of these issue and the mechanisms that exist to resolve them.
How to cite this article:
Rameez Mohd Bhat. Hydro-politics between India and Bangladesh: A study of Farakka barrage dispute. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(2):264-268.