AbstractEthnocultural and national institutions, lifestyles and national values, which have been formed over the centuries, are involved in the turbulent vortices of globalization. Global processes and changes in the system of society-family-human relations, in particular, the institution of family-marriage, which reflect the existential existence of countries, peoples and peoples, have a contradictory effect. On the one hand, the fact that marriage has not lost its ontological and existential character as a factor of human self-preservation and reproduction, on the other hand, the fact that today in the world there is a "second demographic transition, the so-called bifurcation." Negative factors, such as the official registration of same-sex marriages and the increasing diversity of family configurations, suggest the need for research in this area.
It is known that the role of the family in the upbringing of the younger generation is unique. The upbringing of children begins in the family. The family is an important tool not only for the physical development of the child, but also for his spiritual development. It is no exaggeration to say that the issue of the family has always been the main goal of mankind, since it is not a matter of today or yesterday. From ancient divine sources, philosophical and scholarly views, we can see an appeal to the issues of family and child rearing. In particular, the Avesta emphasizes that the human duty is not only to adopt moral values, but also to think about family life, a good husband and children [1.81] must be mature and physically strong. To do this, it is necessary to eat on time, otherwise the man will not be able to perform his duties of service and morality.
In general, in Zoroastrianism, family duty and child rearing have a special place. If a man had the ability to bear offspring, but he did not think about it, he would be stamped or chained to his waist. Sometimes such a man was beaten in a sack. In the Avesta, in-laws are not allowed to marry. This was done in order to keep the blood of the people and the seed pure and to keep the offspring intact. It is noted that families with many children should receive a pension [1.80-81].