Vol. 6, Issue 7, Part C (2020)
Risk management system based on outsourcing instead of a labour safety control system in a small business
Risk management system based on outsourcing instead of a labour safety control system in a small business
Atabaev Kahramon Albert Ugli
The sphere of analysis and accounting of industrial injuries and professional diseases are the problem is not only the Republic of Uzbekistan but also a global issue throughout the world. Often this is because of the imperfection of the professional risk management system and the lack of an adequate control level. In particular, the above is included by small businesses. The article contemplated the problems, disadvantages associated with the organization of the labor protection system in small businesses, as well as ways how to solve them. The author proposes the reform of the labor safety management system into a risk management system for small enterprises due to the fact that the current system is not practical and does not have a proper implementation in small businesses.
How to cite this article:
Atabaev Kahramon Albert Ugli. Risk management system based on outsourcing instead of a labour safety control system in a small business. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(7):165-170.