Vol. 7, Issue 10, Part C (2021)
Conceptual study of smart machines for business development
Conceptual study of smart machines for business development
Dr. Ravindra A Marathe
The Business organizations are improving their performance by using advance technology in performing the business functions. A smart machine is a device embedded with machine-to-machine (M2M) and/or cognitive computing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or deep learning, all of which it uses to reason, problem-solve, make decisions and even, ultimately, take action. Smart machines include robots, self-driving cars and other cognitive computing systems that are designed to work through tasks without human intervention. Smart machines are digital disruptors because of the positive and negative impact they have, and will continue to have, on society. In business, the competitive advantages these technologies are capable of providing are expected to bring higher profit margins and lead to more efficient manufacturing processes. However, smart machines are also expected to displace workers and dramatically change the nature of work and other societal norms. According to Tech Target, a smart machine is an intelligent device that uses machine-to-machine technology. It includes Smart machines include robots, self-driving cars and other cognitive computing systems that are able to make decisions and solve problems without human intervention. The smart machines are very common in society now days. Also many companies are using smart machines for their functional processes in business functions. It has lot of benefits in terms of efficiency, saving time of service, improve various tasks in the companies.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ravindra A Marathe. Conceptual study of smart machines for business development. Int J Appl Res 2021;7(10):159-161.