Even miracle takes a little time; you have to believe what are the factors associated with quality of life of infertile couple?
Even miracle takes a little time; you have to believe what are the factors associated with quality of life of infertile couple?
Supriya, Rajni Thapa and Saratu Garba Abdullahi
Pregnancy and childbirth plays an important role for women all over the globe but Infertility put unfavorable effects on quality of life (QoL) of couple. The current study aims to evaluate factors associated with Quality of life of infertile couple. This study is a systematic review of research studies conducted on factors associated with Quality of life of infertile couple. The current literature review search was undertaken using multiple databases selected from articles pertinent to the study. The selection of subjects was undertaken from 2011 through 2019. We searched for reviews that reported the quality of life of infertile couple and factors that affect their physical as well as mental health status which include original studies on Quality of life and general health of infertile couple. Sample obtained from the general population, clinics and hospitals (3) cross sectional, comparative or longitudinal studies. Studies that are published and available for free access from 2011 to 2019. The studies utilizes the WHOQOL, Ferti QOL and SF 36 questionnaire to assess the quality of life ; along with this other domains like general health of Infertile women (GHQOL 28), Linda berg Questionnaire for sexual Satisfaction, Social Support Scaling, Beck’s inventory for depression. In addition, the mean age of males and females in the review studies were 34.54±8.54 and 29.28±6.71 years respectively and the mean duration of infertility of couples were 5.66±3.54 years. It was observed that Women had lower overall quality of life than men. Women and men who were married for fewer than 10 years had a significantly lower emotional score. Women who had a history of infertility treatment, men who have lived in the town or village men with primary infertility and men who have had primary education or lower, had lower scores for mind/body subscale. Social scores were found lower in women under the age of 30, women with middle or low income, men who were married for fewer than 10 years, men who did not have children for 5 years or more and men with primary infertility. Also Self-esteem scores were lower in the couples with longer infertility duration. Infertility had influenced all the domains of infertile couples but it had major impact on the emotional domain and the factors were found that affect the QOL status in infertile couples were Higher Education, Monthly Income, Urban residence, Number of IVF Treatment, Duration of Infertility, Increased Age, Self-esteem, social support, sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction.