Vol. 7, Issue 8, Part D (2021)
A study to assess the impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults
A study to assess the impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults
Dr. S Tamilselvi and J Harshini
The activity of play has been ever present in human history and therefore the Internet has emerged as a playground increasingly populated by gamers. In online game addition, it lets the player make choices in tight situations, especially those adventure games that keep players alert, active and strategic. Users' personal concerns have become substantial social concerns, in addition to being excessively active in internet gaming, including alienation, susceptibility to aggressiveness, behavioural disease, anxiety, lack of attention, and poor learning performance. A quantitative research was conducted at School using non-experimental descriptive research design. A simple random probability technique is used to select 60 samples. A Semi structured questionnaire was developed to assess the impact of online gaming and playing hours among the young adult which include questions in the general knowledge aspects. Use descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse the data. The characteristics of the sample are described by frequency and percentage. Chi-square test is used to assess the impact of online gaming and playing hours with selected demographic variables. The level of impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults shows that 30(50%) had mild and moderate impact of online gaming and playing hours respectively and the level of impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults shows that none of the demographic variables had shown statistically significant association with level of impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults. In this the findings of the present study revealed that, the impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults was mild and moderate respectively. The level of impact online gaming and playing hours among Young Adults shows that none of the demographic variables had shown statistically significant association with level of impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults.
How to cite this article:
Dr. S Tamilselvi, J Harshini. A study to assess the impact of online gaming and playing hours among young adults. Int J Appl Res 2021;7(8):243-245.