Vol. 7, Issue 8, Part D (2021)
Scope of early detection of diabetic neuropathy in nursing
Scope of early detection of diabetic neuropathy in nursing
Mandira Gope and Dr. Ashok Kumar Dhanwal
Diabetes mellitus is most diagnosed hereditary condition in worldwide with several microvascular and macrovascular condition. Among those diabetic foot and ulcer is most common one occurring due to diabetic peripheral neuropathy which may become more worsen and can need amputation, with proper screening we can do early detection of diabetic neuropathy. If it practices on regular basis in every hospital as a regular health assessment, it will help in early diagnosis of neuropathy. Nurses can practice this procedure along with health assessment with minimal aids or with easily available instrument in a cost-effective manner. This procedure will help to provide proper foot care and awareness which will reduce diabetic ulcer, diabetic foot storm, amputation, long hospital stay and death.
How to cite this article:
Mandira Gope, Dr. Ashok Kumar Dhanwal. Scope of early detection of diabetic neuropathy in nursing. Int J Appl Res 2021;7(8):258-260. DOI: