Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part C (2022)
Implementation of school based management at junior high school 14 Satu Atap Bitung City, North Sulawesi: Indonesia
Implementation of school based management at junior high school 14 Satu Atap Bitung City, North Sulawesi: Indonesia
Alce Cornelien Kambey, Mersty E Rindengan and Roos MS Tuerah
The current implementation of education management still shows some significant weaknesses that need to be improved. Likewise, the implementation of school-based management where schools in Bitung city in practice implementation in the field have not been implemented optimally. This is indicated by the discovery of suboptimal services provided by educators and teaching staff in the implementation of school-based management (SBM) as a form of implementing decentralized education. The aims of this research are as follows: 1. Describes the implementation of school-based management at junior high school Bitung. 2. Describe the obstacles to implementing school-based management at junior high school Bitung. 3. Describe the efforts implemented by the school to overcome the obstacles to implementing school-based management that occurred at junior high school 14 Bitung. This research use desciptive qualitative approach, primary data sources are sources of data obtained directly from research subjects by using measurement tools or data retrieval tools directly on the subject as the information sought. The sources of primary data in this study are as follows: Principals, Committees, Teachers, Parents. Secondary data sources are data obtained through other parties that are not directly obtained by researchers from research subjects. After the data has been collected completely, the next step for the writer is to analyze the data obtained in the implementation of the research and must be obtained in such a way that it will get a conclusion. The results of the study indicate that several important things regarding the implementation of school-based management at the junior high school 14 Bitung are: School-Based Management is seen as a very good central government policy so that schools can be given the authority to determine the direction of school policies independently, so that educational goals can run independently. Effective and efficient, it requires good cooperation between each component of the school to support the implementation of SBM so that the objectives of the implementation of SBM can be implemented properly. The principal as a school leader strives optimally to carry out his leadership duties in accordance with the concepts, characteristics, Objectives of school-based management. The main obstacle is also seen from the facilities and infrastructure of schools supporting learning which are still inadequate, such as the availability of computer laboratories, internet access that does not yet exist and other supporting facilities that should exist in schools.
How to cite this article:
Alce Cornelien Kambey, Mersty E Rindengan, Roos MS Tuerah. Implementation of school based management at junior high school 14 Satu Atap Bitung City, North Sulawesi: Indonesia. Int J Appl Res 2022;8(2):184-190.