Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part E (2022)
Integrated understanding of kaphaja abhishyandi for good clinical practice
Integrated understanding of kaphaja abhishyandi for good clinical practice
Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty, Sonam Kanekar and Sangram Keshari Das
Vernal Kerato Conjunctivitis may be seasonal or perennial, recurrent, bilateral but revolves on its own. It occurs more commonly in spring and summer season. Gradual rise of temperature during spring and dryness and burning sensation occurring in summer causes inflammation in conjunctiva. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis has quite similarity with kaphaja abhishyanda in terms of its picchilta, kandu, srava, heaviness over eyelid and desire to warmth favor this condition.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty, Sonam Kanekar, Sangram Keshari Das. Integrated understanding of kaphaja abhishyandi for good clinical practice. Int J Appl Res 2022;8(2):307-309.