ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Impact of income and diet on the health of daily wage labrourers of tribal women in Ranchi district Indu Patel and Dr. Renu Kumari Pages: 161-166 | 645 Views 194 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
2 | Effectiveness of planned teaching program regarding basic life support on knowledge and practices of non-medical teaching staff of selected universities of north India: An interventional study Shivali Choudhary, Dr. Kanika Rai and Adiba Sidqui Pages: 167-172 | 564 Views 111 Downloads Subject: Surgical Nursing | Country: India | Surgical Nursing | India |
3 | Iron deficiency anaemia and effect of nutrition education on change in dietary behavior among the adolescent girls of tea garden area in Nagaon district, Assam: A pilot study Das Devi Bhagya and Dr. Goswami KR Dipak Pages: 173-183 | 650 Views 190 Downloads Subject: Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga | Country: India | Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga | India |
4 | Implementation of information technology-based smart schools at state vocational high school 1 Manado, North Sulawesi: Indonesia Brusly Pangkaan Polakitan, Henny N Tmbingon and Herry Sumual Pages: 184-190 | 575 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia | Education | Indonesia |
5 | Morphological investigations in Tripura Bangla Sandipa Dey Pages: 191-200 | 632 Views 141 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
6 | मैथिली साहित्य आ गंगेष गुजन डॉ० ममता कुमारी Pages: 201-203 | 288 Views 159 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |
7 | A study to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of quality of life in patient with COPD by upper limb exercise training program: An experimental study Dr. Jogesh Sarma, Amirul Hassan Barbhuiya and Atikul Arif Ahmed Pages: 204-207 | 633 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Pulmonary Medicine | Country: India | Pulmonary Medicine | India |
8 | The path towards virtual currency: Demystifying cryptocurrency Meenakshi Chaudhary, Subhanjali Chopra and Shivangi Pandey Pages: 208-217 | 886 Views 277 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
9 | A study on limnological aspects of Moti Talab in Balaghat District (M.P.) India Dr. Pradeep Kumar Patel Pages: 218-221 | 767 Views 274 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
10 | Physico-chemical analysis of Bansagar dam, Madhya Pradesh, India Vinita R Kashyap Pages: 222-225 | 590 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Physico-Chemical | Country: India | Physico-Chemical | India |