AbstractIntroduction: Every year, in developing countries more than 10 million children die before the completion of 5-years of age. Most of these deaths are preventable by managing them at the time of occurrence such as diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, measles, malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis etc. Apart from malnutrition, the other factors which contribute to illnesses in this age group are poor living conditions, unsafe drinking water, poor hygiene, and overcrowding.
Aim: The study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge of mothers regarding home management of selected common childhood illnesses among children.
Methodology: A quantitative research design was used to assess the knowledge of 60 mothers at selected villages of district Kangra by Non- Probability purposive sampling technique. A self structured questionnaire tool was used to assess the knowledge.
Results: The results of study revealed that there was significant association of level of knowledge score with age of mothers. No significant association was found between knowledge score and socio demographic variable such as education, occupation, parity, number of under five children, type of family and source of information.
Conclusion: Hence, it is concluded that the majority of mothers having good knowledge regarding the home management of selected common childhood illnesses.