Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part A (2022)
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique (JPMRT) on relief of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among girls at selected colleges in Bengaluru
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique (JPMRT) on relief of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among girls at selected colleges in Bengaluru
A Sasikala
Adolescence is a time when people develop, and females in that reproductive age group have a variety of changes and growing obstacles. As a result of these changes menstruation occurs which is normal and usual process in every adolescent girls. And majority of the girls will suffer with the premenstrual syndrome. The prevalence of PMS is increasing and knowledge about management techniques are lacking among the adolescent girls. A total of 350 adolescence girls were selected for the study and convenient sampling technique is used to allocate the study subjects in experimental one group pretest and posttest group. The knowledge and PMS symptoms was assessed through structured questionnaire and modified PSST tool. The intervention for the study selected was Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique. The results of the study revealed that the pretest mean score 79.44±15.616 after intervention in post-test mean score is 53.73±13.204. Analysis of paired t test was done showed significant difference between pretest and posttest mean score of subjects as the P value is <0.001. findings of paired t test were interpretated that significant difference was found between before and after test scores with paired t value, t (31.319), p = <0.001. Hence, it proved by this study that JPMRT is effective technique in relieving the symptoms of PMS among adolescence girls.
How to cite this article:
A Sasikala. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation technique (JPMRT) on relief of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among girls at selected colleges in Bengaluru. Int J Appl Res 2022;8(8):01-04. DOI: