Vol. 9, Issue 10, Part D (2023)
Evaluation of antidiabetic activity by using alloxan hydrate induced diabetic’s model
Evaluation of antidiabetic activity by using alloxan hydrate induced diabetic’s model
Hawaldar Shafi Ahmed Mehboobsab and Dr. Vivek Gupta
AbstractThe primary goal of this work is to evaluate the antidiabetic efficacy of Piper cubeba fruits using an Alloxan hydrate-induced diabetic model and to conduct preliminary fruit extraction using petroleum ether and ethanol, followed by fractionation using an ethanolic extract.
How to cite this article:
Hawaldar Shafi Ahmed Mehboobsab, Dr. Vivek Gupta. Evaluation of antidiabetic activity by using alloxan hydrate induced diabetic’s model. Int J Appl Res 2023;9(10):250-255.