AbstractBackground: Endotracheal suctioning is a routine, essential part of care of the intubated patients with mechanical ventilation. When airway clearance cannot be accomplished via involuntary physiological mechanism then collaborative nursing intervention is needed such as, endotracheal suctioning to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
Objectives: 1) To assess the pre-test knowledge score and pre-test practice score regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses working in ICU 2) To determine the effect of planned teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses working in ICU 3) To evaluate the post-test knowledge score and post-test practice score regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses working in ICU 4) To determine the association between the knowledge score regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses working in ICU with selected demographic variables 5) To determine the association between practice score regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses working in ICU with selected demographic variables 6) To find the correlation between the knowledge and practice regarding endotracheal suctioning among staff nurses.
Methods: Pre-experimental research design study was undertaken among staff nurses working in ICU of Health City Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India. The knowledge of thirty two staff nurses were assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire regarding endotracheal suctioning and practice were also assessed using observational checklist regarding endotracheal suctioning.
Result: The findings of the study revealed that majority of the ICU staff nurses had adequate knowledge level (71.9%) regarding endotracheal suctioning, in practice the findings revealed that there is good practice (65.6%) of the staff nurses regarding endotracheal suctioning. The mean post-test knowledge score (14.53) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (8.22). Computed ‘t’ (19.71) was found statistically significant at the level of p<0.05. The mean post-test practice score (33.82) was higher than the mean pre-test practice score (19.53). Computed ‘t’ (5.67) was found statistically significant at the level of p<0.05. There is significant association found between pre-test level of knowledge of ICU staff nurses with Total years of clinical experience in ICU (χ2- 9.91), there is significant association found between pre-test level of practice of ICU staff nurses with Total years of clinical experience in ICU (χ2- 16.87) and Participation in any in-service program (χ2- 11.26), the study revealed that there was a positive correlation found between knowledge and practice score ‘r’ value is 0.44 significant at p<0.05 levels.
Conclusion: Endotracheal suctioning is a common invasive procedure which aims at keeping airways of the patient with endotracheal tube patent by mechanically removing accumulated pulmonary secretions. Hence, the researcher on basis of the findings conclude that having a continuing nursing education and in-service topic related to endotracheal suctioning can further help the nurse in gaining more knowledge and practice and be competent enough to prevent any complications.