Vol. 9, Special Issue 4, Part A (2023)
Nano materials: Extensive approach for sustainable advancement
Nano materials: Extensive approach for sustainable advancement
Sakshi and Shama Parveen
AbstractNanomaterials have opened many doors for research to modified the traditional way of living into a high- tech era. New concepts of smart homes, smart city, low- cost energy saver, smart transportation, high performance sensors for pollutant detection are become possible only due to nano materials. The importance of nano materials is coming into light because of its amazing properties those decided by their size and geometry at nanoscale. This size effect is known as aspect ratio that is the surface to volume ratio.
Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials are the main important part of the research to enhance their applicability in different and advanced field. In this paper, we will provide the detailed discussion on type, synthesis and application of nanomaterials. This article would be helpful for the new researchers and technologist in the field for sustainable development to understand the basic of nanomaterials by which they can used their knowledge regarding nanomaterials in various applications.
How to cite this article:
Sakshi, Shama Parveen. Nano materials: Extensive approach for sustainable advancement. Int J Appl Res 2023;9(4S):29-32.