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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part C (2016)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Subject Country
Feminism in Shashi Deshpande’s Roots and Shadows: A Critical Study
Dr. Manoranjan Behura
Pages: 121-123  |  1821 Views  571 Downloads
Subject: English  |  Country: India
Customer orientation in shopping malls of South Chennai - An exploratory study
L Jenifer
Pages: 124-128  |  1442 Views  157 Downloads
Subject: Management  |  Country: India
An analytical study on arm girth of high and low performance of elite throwers
Virendra Singh, Yogendra Sharma, Pankaj Singh, Anita Pharswan, Brij. Bhushan Singh
Pages: 129-130  |  1453 Views  153 Downloads
Subject: Physical Education  |  Country: India
Physical EducationIndia
Tangles of love: A Predominating Impression in Ian McEwan's Enduring Love
Fredrick Ruban A
Pages: 131-133  |  1482 Views  177 Downloads
Subject: Philosophy  |  Country: India
Bifidobacteria longum- Probiotic therapy for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in end stage renal disease patients
Dr. Seema Mishra
Pages: 134-139  |  1416 Views  130 Downloads
Subject: Biochemistry  |  Country: India
Jh cYyHkkpk;Z ds n”kZu esa iqf’VekxhZ; vo/kkj.kk
MkW- eksfgr fd”kksj HkVukxj
Pages: 140-142  |  395 Views  213 Downloads
Subject: Hindi  |  Country: India
Effect of ginger tea versus mint tea in reducing dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls
Anupa Achuthan, Resmi CR
Pages: 143-145  |  1331 Views  144 Downloads
Subject: Nursing  |  Country: India
Parent-child relationship in families with visually impaired schooling child
VB Kiran kumar, E Rajesh, Dr. Brijesh Sathia
Pages: 146-149  |  1841 Views  236 Downloads
Subject: Speech & Hearing  |  Country: India
Speech & HearingIndia
Assessment of personal hygiene & cleanliness practices of child ragpickers
Dr. Sarika Manhas, Dr. Manoti Barki
Pages: 150-156  |  1728 Views  167 Downloads
Subject: Home Science  |  Country: India
Home ScienceIndia
A study on clinical presentation, bacterial profile and its antibiotic sensitivity pattern in urinary tract infections among diabetic patients attending tertiary care hospital, Tamilnadu
Senthamarai S, Sivasankari S, Anitha C, Vasumathi A, Venugopal V, Thenmozhivalli PR, Amsavathani SK
Pages: 157-159  |  1404 Views  136 Downloads
Subject: Medical  |  Country: India
Impact of weight circuit training on leg strength among handball women players
Dr. Manikandan S
Pages: 160-161  |  1344 Views  128 Downloads
Subject: Physical Education  |  Country: India
Physical EducationIndia
Role of dynamic compilation in java
Sudheendra H and Dr. Ankit Pandey
Pages: 162-165  |  1101 Views  155 Downloads
Subject: Computer Science  |  Country: India
Computer ScienceIndia
हेलाराज की टीका के आलोक में भर्तृहरि-दर्शन का व्याख्यान
डॉ. मीरा शर्मा
Pages: 166-170  |  898 Views  277 Downloads
Subject: संस्कृत विभाग  |  Country: India
संस्कृत विभागIndia
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