ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Cost free Wi-Fi intercom system using ARM11: Review Shweta Gajhbiye, Rohini S Nagpure, Ashwini S Sonsare, Samiksha N Ghayde and Juilee M Meshram Pages: 666-667 | 1329 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
2 | महर्षि दयानंद का एवं पातञ्जल योग दर्शन डॉ.सुनीता सैनी Pages: 668-671 | 372 Views 194 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
3 | Ethnomedicinal study of Schleichera oleosa among the tribals of Satna (M.P.) Jay Lal Anuragi and RP Mishra Pages: 672-674 | 1560 Views 207 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
4 | Study of certain medicinal plants of Sidhi district and their antimicrobial activity against plant and human pathogens Ram Bahor Saket and SB Singh Pages: 675-679 | 1205 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Botany | Country: India | Botany | India |
5 | Educational status and level of health awareness of the children of urban slums with special reference to Guwahati city- A study Swapna Lahon Pages: 680-686 | 1876 Views 436 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
6 | Individual investment avenues in Indian financial system: A conceptual perspective Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman and Shivakumar Jagannath Pages: 687-692 | 1465 Views 216 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
7 | Production and screening of depolymerising enzymes by potential bacteria and fungi isolated from plastic waste dump yard sites Ganesh P, Dineshraj D and Yoganathan K Pages: 693-695 | 1692 Views 239 Downloads Subject: Biology | Country: India | Biology | India |
8 | The research paper on “Role of knowledgebase system in higher education”- A conceptual study SS Rai and Dr. AV Nikam Pages: 696-698 | 1413 Views 163 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
9 | Goods and services tax: A milestone in Indian economy Dr. Banamali Nath Pages: 699-702 | 1544 Views 283 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
10 | The effect of green tea consumption on coagulation profile among adult healthy Sudanese Hussam MA Ibrahim, Remah Salah I Elkhidir, Fatima Mirghani, Esraa M Ali, Eman Ali, Abu baker Abdalla and Mubark Hussein Pages: 703-705 | 2990 Views 264 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: Sudan | Medical | Sudan |
11 | Comparative study on growth pattern of 6–10 years rural and urban students Md Maidul Islam, Rudranath Chatterjee and Arnab Ghosh Pages: 706-709 | 1361 Views 118 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
12 | Awareness of radiation safety among Health Care Professionals Dr. Sasmita Parida Pages: 710-712 | 1304 Views 167 Downloads Subject: Medical | Country: India | Medical | India |