ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Knowledge on clinical features and complication of coronary artery diseases among adults in NTR Nagar at Nellore B Vanaja Kumari, Budda Kavitha and Dr. Indira S Pages: 01-03 | 1028 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Community Health Nursing | Country: Ghana | Community Health Nursing | Ghana |
2 | Correlation of pleural fluid and serum C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase level in relation to infection and malignant pleural effusion Srinibas Sahoo, Banani Jena, Priyadarshini Behera, Rakhi Ludam, RN Mania, Sangita Jena, Sonali Parida, Siladitya Mohankudu, Pritam Chhotray, Amit Kiran Rath and Syed Umer Ahmed Pages: 04-07 | 891 Views 143 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |
3 | Bile leak management in post laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients Kalpita Patra and Sibaram Mahapatra Pages: 08-11 | 946 Views 144 Downloads Subject: Surgery | Country: India | Surgery | India |
4 | Electrolytes imbalance in acute exacerbation of COPD Syed Umer Ahmed, Rakhi Ludam, Banani Jena, RN Mania, Priyadarshini Behera, Sangita Jena, Sonali Parida, Siladitya Mohankudu, Pritam Chhotray, Amit Kiran Rath and Srinibas Sahoo Pages: 12-14 | 1078 Views 192 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: India | Medicine | India |
5 | A study of anatomical variations in chronic rhinosinusitis with special reference to deviated nasal septum Ashirbad Jena and Santosh Kumar Swain Pages: 15-17 | 969 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Otorhinolaryngology | Country: India | Otorhinolaryngology | India |
6 | Physico - chemical parameters and fertility status in selected stations of Kanyakumari district TM Sharmila and S Jerin Jaya Joselin Pages: 18-21 | 1042 Views 176 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: India | Chemistry | India |
7 | Tremor beyond Parkinson’s disease: role of magnetic resonance imaging Dr. Harmeet Kaur, Dr. Monika Sharma, Dr. Punit and Dr. Sanjeev Sharma Pages: 22-24 | 1054 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Radiodiagnosis | Country: India | Radiodiagnosis | India |
8 | Problem based exercise program in infant with agenesis of corpus callosum: A single case study Dr. Ritu Lomte and Dr. Nilashri Naik Pages: 25-27 | 1159 Views 335 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
9 | Online Banking in India Dr. A Ramasethu and K Muthukumar Pages: 28-31 | 951 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
10 | Effect of downsizing on market orientation in Nigeria: Critical appraisal of guaranty trust bank (GTB) in Anambra state Dr. CI Ezeanyeji, CBN Ibekilo and Imoagwu Chika Priscilla Pages: 32-40 | 988 Views 151 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: Nigeria | Economics | Nigeria |
11 | vÀļÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£ÀUÀ½UÉ ºÉƸÀ DPÀgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ: ºÀvÉÆÛA§vÀÛ£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀ PÁUÀzÀ ¥ÀæwUÀ¼ÀÄ Dr. MS Durga Praveen Pages: 41-51 | 260 Views 109 Downloads Subject: Kannada | Country: India | Kannada | India |
12 | An overview of data analysis methods for environment valuation Gaurav Kumar Pages: 52-54 | 472 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |