ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Oil palm cultivation in Mizoram: A study of Kolasib District Khawlsiamthanga Khawlhring and Margaret Lalbiakthangi Pages: 70-78 | 1591 Views 365 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: India | Agricultural | India |
2 | W.B. Yeats, a perennial influence of writing & undying rules for humanity Mir Rifat Nabi and Aabida Ashraf Pages: 79-81 | 831 Views 112 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
3 | Effect of meditation on stress in medical students: A potential observational study Trivedi Ravi Jitendrabhai Pages: 82-87 | 874 Views 149 Downloads Subject: Psychology | Country: India | Psychology | India |
4 | महिला सशक्तिकरण के युग में घरेलू हिंसा सविता मकवाना Pages: 88-90 | 928 Views 160 Downloads Subject: राजनीति विज्ञान विभाग | Country: India | राजनीति विज्ञान विभाग | India |
5 | Immediate effect of patellar kinesio taping versus mcconnell taping on pain and hop function in patellofemoral pain syndrome Dr. Priyesh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Syed Rais Akhter Rizvi and Dr. Umashankar Panda Pages: 91-99 | 954 Views 166 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
6 | Paradox of freedom in the novels of V. S. Naipaul Amandeep Pages: 100-102 | 854 Views 137 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
7 | A study of consumer awareness on quality marks in India T Mohan and Dr. S Jeyalakshmi Pages: 103-105 | 2322 Views 485 Downloads Subject: Corporate Secretaryship | Country: India | Corporate Secretaryship | India |
8 | The effect of knowledge management and career development to organizational performance through organizational commitments as mediation variables in PT. Louserindo Megah Permai Subhan, Abdul Rivai and Suharto Pages: 106-110 | 868 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
9 | Effect of organizational culture and work environment to organizational performance through organization commitments as a variable of mediation in PT. Bank Mandiri Taspen Fashin Pratama, Wagiarto Hoesin and Guswandi Pages: 111-115 | 891 Views 116 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Indonesia | Management | Indonesia |
10 | Henric Ibsen’s the doll’s house Kumar Madar Pages: 116-120 | 946 Views 156 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
11 | An assessment study of sports facilities and programs in relation to sports achievement among different schools Dr. Hoshiyar Singh Pages: 121-124 | 752 Views 169 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
12 | सनातनधर्मे ब्रह्मचर्याश्रमध्ययनम् रतीश कुमार मिश्र Pages: 125-127 | 197 Views 104 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |