ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Upliftment of transgender community through Maslow’s hierachy of needs theory Anita Pandey Pages: 284-288 | 1239 Views 498 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
2 | Women empowerment through entrepreneurship in tourism sector of Bihar Dr. Abhishek Kumar Jha Pages: 289-292 | 920 Views 179 Downloads Subject: Tourism | Country: India | Tourism | India |
3 | Proximate analysis of jack fruit seed flour (Non-germinated and germinated) and value addition to bread Sivaranjini, L Uthira and Abarajitha K Pages: 293-299 | 1260 Views 587 Downloads Subject: Nutrition | Country: India | Nutrition | India |
4 | स्कूल स्थानबद्ध प्रशिक्षण (इण्टर्नशिप) कार्यक्रम — समस्या या समाधान डॉ. कमलदीप कौर Pages: 300-301 | 397 Views 212 Downloads Subject: हिन्दी | Country: India | हिन्दी | India |
5 | Studies on interrelationships among yield and yield contributing traits and stability analysis of yield in some promising Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties in Assam soils under rain fed situation HK Borah, KD Singha and BK Borah Pages: 302-305 | 860 Views 158 Downloads Subject: Agricultural | Country: India | Agricultural | India |
6 | Prospects of the energy system in Uzbekistan Khalilova Olima Akhatovna and Obzorov Islom Ruzievich Pages: 306-307 | 1383 Views 159 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: Uzbekistan | Engineering | Uzbekistan |
7 | मन्नू भंडारी की कहानियों के स्त्री पात्र एक सर्वेक्षण जुली कुमारी Pages: 308-309 | 434 Views 277 Downloads Subject: हिन्दी | Country: India | हिन्दी | India |
8 | An observational study of coronary artery anatomy in patients with normal coronary angiogram Dr. R Sayee Vengatesh and Dr. R Sampath Kumar Pages: 310-316 | 764 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Cardiology | Country: India | Cardiology | India |
9 | Mathematical and geographical basis and content development of tourism cards of Samarkand region Gulmurodov Farrukh Eshmurodovich, Yarkulov Zokir Rakhmanovich and Pulatov Asliddin Sayfullaevich Pages: 317-319 | 782 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Tourism | Country: Uzbekistan | Tourism | Uzbekistan |
10 | Wisely use of natural land resources Gayratbek Davronbekovich Rakhmatullayev Pages: 320-322 | 774 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Earth Science | Country: Uzbekistan | Earth Science | Uzbekistan |
11 | A study on the role of financial institution in the industrial development of Bihar Vikash Raushan Pages: 323-327 | 810 Views 172 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |