ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A comparative study of capital adequacy of selected public and private non-life (General) insurance companies in India Ashokkumar P Rathod Pages: 01-05 | 941 Views 245 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
2 | Formation of basic concepts of spiritual and moral education in the system of general secondary education Mahmudova Nodira Alisherovna Pages: 06-09 | 781 Views 125 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
3 | The views thinkers to students works in education Rapikov Ibrayimjon Ganievich Pages: 10-12 | 749 Views 128 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
4 | Pricing policy in Hotels Davronov Istamkhuja Olimovich, Giyazov Bakhodir Bayazovich, Kadirova Shafoat Habibulloevna and Narzullaeva Gulchehra Salimovna Pages: 13-15 | 1015 Views 332 Downloads Subject: Tourism | Country: Uzbekistan | Tourism | Uzbekistan |
5 | Relevance of use of solar energy and optimization of operating parameters of new solar heaters for effective use of solar energy Abdukarimov Bekzod Abobakirovich and O’tbosarov Shuhratjon Rustamjon O’g’li Pages: 16-20 | 857 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Civil Engineering | Country: Uzbekistan | Civil Engineering | Uzbekistan |
6 | Hydrophobization of oil systems main features of protection system Teshaboeva Nodira Djurayevna Pages: 21-22 | 761 Views 138 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: Uzbekistan | Chemistry | Uzbekistan |
7 | The necessity of the development of economical competency in students Saidqulova Firuza Farmonovna Pages: 23-26 | 812 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: Uzbekistan | Management | Uzbekistan |
8 | The synergetical analysis of the concept of noosphere Tangirov Nizom Abdurakhmonovich Pages: 27-29 | 810 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Psychology | Country: Uzbekistan | Psychology | Uzbekistan |
9 | Development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan as a key factor of economic growth and increase of living standards of the population Rustamov Dostonbek Jamshid Ugli, Khurramov Azizbek Mukhiddin Ugli, Ismoilov Shukhrat Shafoat o’g’li and Tulakov Ulugbek Toshmamatovich Pages: 30-33 | 858 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Business | Country: Uzbekistan | Business | Uzbekistan |
10 | The views of Fariduddin attar on being Sanjar Murodov Pages: 34-36 | 931 Views 169 Downloads Subject: History | Country: Uzbekistan | History | Uzbekistan |