Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part A (2021)
Digital learning for enhancing learning experience
Digital learning for enhancing learning experience
Runumi Sharma and Deepesh Sharma
Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) has brought changes in all sectors including education. It is the I.C.T. which is responsible for bringing quality, innovation and excellence in education. In education sector, I.C.T. encourages digital learning. Digital learning is learning through digital devices such as mobile phones, laptops and computers etc. There are various digital tools which are used to impart education to make the educational process interesting and effective. The study is based on literature study method and observation. This paper deals with describing digital tools and their advantages as well as disadvantages. It is truth that despite the disadvantages, the digital tools in education has revolutionized the educational process. In this competitive world it is important for the children to be aware of digital learning so that they will take the advantages of digital learning.